Our Story

Our love story started over 1000 games ago on the night of 15th September 2017.

For the first year of getting to know each other, Gerhard was just a sweet laugh on the other side of a PC screen, and I was the girl playing Counter Strike with the boys.

We got to meet in person on the 2nd of December 2017. In the first 30 minutes of meeting, Gerhard accidently rubbed past my arm to get a glass from a table, and I knew that that day was the first day of the rest of our lives.

For the first two years of our relationship, Gerhard was staying in Namibia. Although it wasn’t always easy to be apart, it gave us a chance to fall in love with each other’s heart and soul, and to truly get to know each other. The travelling back and forth also made for unforgettable adventures and memories.

Now, three years later, we are counting down the days until we get to celebrate our love with all the people that formed part of our adventure and love story. We sincerely hope you will be able to go on this adventure with us.

Now meet the people helping us to make our day unforgettable.
April 24, 2021
Toshari Lodge